Friday 10 April 2015

This is the news!

So as you will have probably noticed, I've uploaded a lot of short videos this week, which all relate to the upcoming general elections. I've been editing footage of party leaders and manipulating what they've said to create funny messages, similar to Cassetteboy.

As there is a mixture of animation and real footage, I'm not spending hours upon hours animating, which means I can bosh out the videos quickly. I plan on doing this FOREVER now, and plan on making a news show, including other reporters, the weather etc., in a similar fashion to The Day Today, which I loved watching when I was younger, and is definitely a huge influence for me.

So enjoy the videos, especially my latest video which I am uploading today, and sdon't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel here, LIKE my Facebook page, FOLLOW me on Twitter and go to my website

Stay tuned!

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